A Field of Flowers

Lately, my mind has been wandering through the idea of manifestation. The practice of channeling one’s deepest desires with aligned intent. For example, a few intentions I have announced to my psyche are as follows:

I will practice mindful awareness to increase synchronicities in my life.
I will remain whole as I achieve success in my career.  
I will revel in a profound spiritual awakening

By aiming your arrow into the abyss of all things wonderful, a person embraces her inner dreamer with a rush of loving energy. This energy alerts the Universe.

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This idea of manifestation makes me think of an exercise I learned while backpacking through Thailand. I was in Ko Tao learning how to become a mermaid. One night, under the starlit sky, a diving instructor asked me a series of questions, which illuminated the pulsing shadows within my subconscious mind.

There is a kind of plant in the background of a painting you are creating.
What is the plant? How big is it? Where in the frame is it? 

When answered quickly, honestly, and without hesitation or second guessing, a person reveals the wise mind of the intuition. She constructs a road map to the seat of her soul. So much meaning. So much depth. It is not clear what each object in the picture represents, but it is a true treasure to work at decoding the mystery!

Instantly, I described the plant in the background as a field of flowers – I see a network of magenta blossoms perfectly nestled in a wide-spread, emerald garden inside my mind’s eye. The image even now fills me with delight.

My deep water guide told me this field of flowers symbolizes my legacy – the mark which I will make upon this earth. The light and love that will outlive my body. After all, my spirit is only passing through…

This field of flowers illustrates my bursting passion to spark the imagination and intuition of all people on this planet - to plant, nurture, and bloom a field of flowers.

So, circling back to manifesting abundance… I feel inclined to write about my recent happenings and realizations. After sending off my desires, intentions, and prayers in meditation with the universe, strangely unexplained synchronicities started to occur. It is as if I raised my hand in class after sitting on this bubbling inquiry for so long and finally received an answer to my eager questions. The teacher, only relieved to see my hand rise up. 

The universe whispered, "if you only knew what you had inside you.”

I am now at peace, more than ever before. As time goes by, my life shapes and shifts, becoming the right kind of music to groove to and sing along to. Of course, I still worry. Of course, I still wake up on the wrong side of the bed. And yet, now that I know there is a language - a way to speak to the thirteenth, I am enthralled. I am.

If you are feeling frazzled and uncertain about the future, try to connect inner world to outer world. Unify your personal flow with the cosmic flow.

And bloom.

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