

Living in alignment with Source means matching your vibration of what’s true for you to the vibration of what’s true for the highest and best good of all beings.

In our world today, truth itself is a polarizing phenomenon. Where once a universal nothingness permeated the galaxies, now the expression of that same omniscient, limitless energy has manifested in our world as various forms and degrees of multiplicities. Truth has never been as subjective as it appears to be today. But within the mass psychosis of it all, there is a practice in detaching from programmed belief systems that no longer serve the individual spirit or the collective soul of humanity on earth at this time.

The ego will indefinitely try to keep us clinging to old belief systems for fear of the unknown truth that lies outside of what is comfortable and familiar. Dissolving an old belief system means killing off a part of the ego, which is best achievable through the divine cultivation of Karuna compassion (self love). Forgiveness and non-attachment allows oneself to witness false truths and to then let them go, to be reborn again throughout the universe as limitless energy. This is how we break through the wheel of suffering, by honoring karma and rewriting it as a liberated being of light. Many religious doctrines will call this process the art of healing the soul so it can become “as light as a feather”. An inner revelation may contend with one’s perception of truth, but that is why we must do this work! We must be willing to find the truth for ourselves and heal individually if we ever hope to achieve a long and lasting peace on earth.

You are no longer confined to limited truth. Check in with your heart. Find your edge, then go past it. Widen your mind. Open your third eye. Shift your consciousness and RISE in alignment with the Most High.

Hieros Gamos

Hieros Gamos