Star Child, Servant of Good
The enlightening conversations spiraling my orbit lately have blessed me with divine insight.
I had a vision, one I have had many times, thus I never even thought of it as a message - it has always seemed as normal as breathing. For the longest time, I have overlooked it entirely. Finally, in a Candlelight Yin Yoga class, where I was stretching out my heart, opening my chakras, and working my core it happened again. In the final moments of meditation, my spirit left my body to swim through the cosmos.
I traverse space as wind in the ether, a current in the great ocean of infinity.
Breath is the
Ocean of the
This specific illumination in my mind's eye happens often when I am meditating, falling asleep, or even just sitting at my computer dreaming up what to write. I seem to always drift away effortlessly into the void.
As I wonder and wander through the imagination, through literature, through sacred circles already in motion, I have come to an apex of truth, which is this: we are infinite and we are one.
You are a spirit having a human experience; playing in this dynamic body, navigating with this wizardly mind - You are alive amid the sublime orchestra called harmony.
Last week, my friends and I had a delightfully heated conversation about God.
Two of my close friends are of the Christian Faith – firm believers in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. For me, and my best bud, our Spiritual beliefs are more philosophical in nature, more closely related to Zen Buddhism or Agnosticism. And so, our polarizing thought patterns were thrown into a collective consciousness, which manifested in the form of us all riding in a car together, stuck in traffic on the 405 Freeway. We bantered and pondered, challenged and surrendered. It was a wonderful exploration of inner and outer truth!
We peeked behind the door of the unknown.
We planted seeds to see them grow.
I am still confused as to how religious institutions relate to the highest of energetic powers.
What use is a doctrine when you can feel the rays of light beaming down from the sun?
Then, yesterday, the universe puts this TED TALK on my radar and answers my bewildered soul. The dazzling speaker, Anjali Kumar, pretty much sums it right up. Full lecture below.
What am I doing here?
What is my purpose as a person?
How do I make the world a better place by being in it?
How do I help serve the greater good every single day, for my Self and for the ones around me?
This is the ultimate quest!
Health. Happiness. Love.
A new friend in my life, who is part-witch, part-fire, and a whole big heart of tender love, dropped a pint of wisdom onto me this weekend. She said I was a Star Seed. Yes, that’s right: Star Seed. A notion I am unfamiliar with… However, the vast collection of alternative news articles and counter-culture bloggers on the internet were sure to give me a full analysis.
Star Seeds are beings that have experienced life elsewhere in the Universe on other planets and in non-physical dimensions other than on Earth.
I mean, it seems pretty far-out. Existential, for sure. But, there are things that resonate deep in the heart, like the ring of a crystal bowl or the hum of a hollow drum.
And this, my friends, is one of them.
This knowing, this inner connection to the stars, has circled my being since I was a little toe-headed bean, day-dreaming, doodling comics, playing pretend for hours - always these fierce spells born in the imagination.
Particularly, I remember a time when I was no taller than the stairway railing. Seated on the toilet, I became struck by a powerful feeling. The feeling was anxious, like fear, but mixed with acceptance, and a deep sense of intention. The vision which elevated the impression was of my Self at the time walking the face of the earth. The POV was far away, like a satellite image.
My consciousness beamed me up to show me my place. I was overcome with an impassioned energy that still rocks me to the core. In the vision, I was walking the curvature of the earth, a never ending journey.
This path is a loop, a circle, a sphere. I am writing a story that has no end and no beginning.
In sum, I have come to see my nature is one of travel. And though my mind is very good at voyaging through other spaces in time, it is the presence of my spirit embodied in this being that marvels the grand dance of the cosmos.
The onion of truth was pulled back a layer further this past week. I am a bit more #woke now. I see finally that my spirit is real - as real as the air I breathe. And she is terribly restless.
And so, I pull her back, reel her in, keep her in my bones.
Because there is work to do here.
And I am here.