Eternal Adoration - A Story Told by the Stars

Eternal Adoration - A Story Told by the Stars

Joseph Campbell, Author of The Hero's Journey, said, "Eternity is in love with the forms of time".

This makes me realize a profound truth. As I walk along under the bristling tree branches, the shadows of the verdant leaves playing with golden sunlight seeping in through the patterned canopy, I feel like I'm traveling along in a sensational mirage. And suddenly, the epiphanic notion settles in my cerebral consciousness. I am Nature. I am shaped by the divine forces in the Universe. I am.

For some time, I have practiced Yoga and Meditation, but only recently have I become aware of the deep impact this lifestyle has had on my state of being. The subversion of my Ego has transformed my inner power. I sit on my throne, but I do not rule - I serve. I bow. I pray. I love unconditionally.

This was never taught to me, but I teach it now. When I think of Joseph Campbell's lessons on understanding our spiritual selves in the context of the great time/space continuum, I think back to when I first felt my creative fire stirring. The fire of my soul awakened during my storytelling training at Chapman University, Dodge College of Film and Media Arts. As eager young filmmakers, we were drilled with a comprehension of the Hero's Journey - a storyline which begins with:

What does character want?
Why can't she get it?

And thus, the plot ensues like a roller coaster with uphill climbs and down hill rides, high points and low lows. Our character returns home a changed woman, a leader instead of a follower, a definer of her own destiny, a teacher, and yet a servant to the great creative spirit within and without. This universal tale is the human experience in a projection. It is the story told by the stars. When I realized this, I knew I was on the right track.

As I craft, my spiritual practice preaches a similar Ethos. And so, I sit here today in marvel of all the synchronicities and meaning all around me on a regular basis. I am in a constant state of awe.

Often, the human mind gets stuck in a rut, wedged into the corner of the psyche, slipping on into a terrible mindset purely ruled by egoic expectations. We all have been here. Most Americans live here. But this is only a point on the journey. You are on your way. Do not rest. Do not give up. Keep your fire lit. Blaze. Keep on.

Expand your consciousness to take in the sights. See the reflection of your spirit in all. And above all else, remember to hold in your heart this truth: the Universe adores you.

Lioness to the Stage

Lioness to the Stage

The Diversity of Mind

The Diversity of Mind