Surrender Your Suffering
In this society, one's purpose can become distorted. Our culture celebrates passionless existence sprinkled with a dash of unquestioning conformity.
That said, being in service to something greater than yourself is one of the most powerful feelings within the spectrum of human emotion. We crave unity with and devotion to a higher purpose, but when a person's purpose is lowered day-in and day-out by modern human expectations - i.e. a soul-sucking desk-job, a mediocre love-life, an envious Instagram story - we lose our real, rooted connection to this world.
In ancient civilizations, the act of sacrifice was associated with a deep reverence for suffering. When a person suffers, she gives her soulful energy to the great spirit. Her Self becomes one with the void of space and the eternal ethos of the multiverse. In this way, a person is able to engage in the divine reciprocity of nature as a dynamic being. Basically, we give away our dying to receive the energy of living.
We always have the innate power to make a conscious, enlightened choice. Everyday suffering can be perceived as a treasure to cherish when breathing in alignment with personal free will. Find the place where your true faith rests, burns, and belongs.
Bow to the Universe - your divine Self. Surrender your suffering and watch your whole spirit shine.