Living Paradox

When I close my eyes and center my heart, I ache with grief for the destruction of nature.

Planet Earth is this pure oasis within the spans of eternity. The ocean, the trees, the ground, and the air are our spiritual connection to the transcending divine. If god is good and spirit is love, then why do some humans have this gross, innate tendency to abuse beauty?

Is it rooted in self-hatred? Is it the way a person is born, designed, and wired by the cosmos - Or is it how that soul is raised, loved by love, and nurtured? I wonder about these things, though the truth remains obscured in my mind's eye.

Human beings are compassionate, and yet we are corruptible. I cannot fully understand this complexity now, but perhaps in another place and time I will come to a revelation that offers a sense of meaning to this paradox. Maybe I already know, which is why I am drawn to non-duality -- the unified oneness of nothingness. This might be the existential explanation of how life coexists with death and good with evil.

We follow the light from within the dark. For without darkness, there would be no light to follow.

World of Masterpieces

World of Masterpieces

Honey in the Heart

Honey in the Heart