Understanding Climate Change
Is your planet suffering from Greenhouse Gases? Do you ever feel like your Globe is Warming?
Climate Change is an extremely uncomfortable condition and, if left untreated, could result in a global health crisis or, in severe cases, species extinction.
What causes Climate Change?
Climate Change can be caused by an irritation in the atmosphere due to an excessive use of fossil fuels. It may also be caused by any of the following:
Methane Emissions via Cattle Farming
Destruction of Tropical Forests via Cattle Farming
Destruction of Tropical Forests via Palm Oil Farming
Chemical Pollutants in the Planetary Body
plastics in goods, packaging, dumping grounds, oceans
pesticides in fertilizer, crops, run-off rivers, streams, oceans
chemicals in foods, pills, drinks, bodies, sewages, oceans
Failed Education Systems, Government Institutions, and Global Leadership
What are the Symptoms of Climate Change?
Symptoms of Climate Change may vary among individual areas on the planet. Though some places may show little signs of Climate Change, it is recommended to consider all scientific data in an effort to decrease risk of delusion or denial.
Most common symptoms include, but are not limited to:
Rising Sea Levels
Rising Sea Temperatures
Increase Rain Fall, Storm Strength, and Floods
More Frequent Forest Fires
Droughts in Previously Sustainable Regions
Increase Numbers of Unsustainable Regions
Landslides, Mudslides, Glacier Slides
Discovery of Ice Age Skeletons (which is actually so sick)
Spreading of Bacteria and Viruses
Disappearance of Coral Reefs and Other Precious Wildlife
Increase of Emails in InBox about Species in Danger of Extinction
Increase Human on Human Violence
Increase of Deep, Soul Shaking Worries about Species Survival
If Climate Change on a planet is left untreated, it can lead to a severe loss of natural resources and a great risk of a mass extinction.
What is the Treatment for Climate Change?
If your planet is diagnosed with Climate Change, you might consider reflecting deeply on your personal impact on the planet. Treatments for a globe in a state of warming usually involves:
Energy Efficiency
Wind, Wave, and Solar Powered Energy
CDR - Carbon Dioxide Removal
Technologies to Drain CO2 from Atmosphere
Conserve Water and Power
Unplug when Unused
Be Resourceful, Not Wasteful
Consume Consciously
For more information on the above treatments for a planet in distress, please visit your cyberhood search engine and EDUMACATE YO'SELF.
If Climate Change symptoms persist, call your doctor immediately and have him/her help you build an underground shelter to hibernate inside of for the rest of time.